If you have trouble sleeping, here is an idea that has worked for me.
I have to give a disclaimer, of course. I am a licensed massage therapist so it is out of scope for me to give medical advice, so I’m not giving medical advice. I’m just telling you something that has worked for me.
My Story
I sometimes struggle with insomnia. Usually, it is the type that keeps me from staying asleep. I wake up and just can’t turn the brain off. It is maddening.
If you know me, you know that I try lots of different things, like this accupressure mat, lol. So one night, I had the idea to find a podcast to help me sleep. I found one and have used it 3 different times and have fallen asleep in under 10 minutes.
Podcast If You’re Having Trouble Sleeping
When I say it is boring, I mean it. The narrator reads stories. When you read the episode description, you may think, “Well, that could be interesting.” You would be wrong. That is the point. The stories are chock full of detail, true. But the details are boring and the narrator’s voice is soothing an monotone. You won’t even believe how boring the stories are.
The podcast is called Get Sleepy. Here is the link in google podcasts but I’m sure you can find it wherever you listen to podcasts.
Be sure to set your phone to stop the podcast after a certain amount of time or when the podcast ends, so you won’t be startled awake by the next podcast on your queue. Oh, and the commercials are right up front, so you don’t have to worry about waking up to a loud commercial.
If you have trouble sleeping, maybe this will help.
You know what else may help? Swedish massage can help calm the nervous system. If you’re in Plano, Richardson, Allen, Murphy, Wylie, Sachse, Frisco, Dallas, you won’t be too far from my office, which is in downtown Plano. Text/call 972.813.9083 to schedule an appointment. (Women only, unless you are referred by a current client.)