Who Should Not Get Sarga Massage?

Who should not get Sarga massage? As I’ve posted about before, I am a Certified Sarga Practitioner. I use my feet to deliver myofascial release. In this post, I will explain some of the contraindications. My first goal is to not cause harm, so I am very cautious when it comes to clients’ medical conditions. Swedish massage is a lighter …

Sarga Massage

I’m very pleased to announce that I’m now a Certified Sarga Bodywork Practitioner. The training was difficult and I’ve worked hard to achieve my certification. But I am very excited to offer something completely different to my clients. Wondering what Sarga Massage is? Please read on: To become a Certified Sarga Bodywork Practitioner®, l trained and was certified in the …

More Comfortable Face Cradle

I’m trying something new in the office. First off, maybe you didn’t know this, but a face cradle is the thing you put your face in during a massage. It has 2 parts – the cushion and the frame. I didn’t even know a more comfortable face cradle existed, but I started shopping and I found a new one on …

Last Minute Appointment

Maybe you’re wondering how you can get a last minute appointment at Richardson Massage Therapy. Read now to find out. A Little Secret I want to share a little secret. These scheduling apps allow a TON of flexibility and mine is no exception. One of the options, for example, is that I require new clients to contact me to schedule …

Neck Pain

Neck pain is no fun, as I’ve recently re-discovered. Keep reading to find out what happened. First, some background. I love my pillow so much that I travel with it if we drive for vacation. This trip was no exception. My husband and I traveled to lovely Santa Fe, New Mexico, with my beloved pillow in the backseat of the …

Essential Oils

Here is a not so popular thing to say: I don’t use essential oils in my office. There, I said it. But I will say that the jury is still out on this one. Let me explain. Why No Essential Oils? I have chosen from the start of my practice to not use essential oils in my office. The main …

Massage For Women

Can Only Women Come In For Massage? You may be wondering why I offer massage for women as a specialty. It isn’t that I don’t take male clients. I sometimes do, but it is always by referral from an established client. Maybe it is obvious why I do this, but in case it isn’t, it is a safety issue. I …

Massage Policies

Running a business of any kind has its challenges. Lots to think about and plan for besides just the skills and stamina it takes to be a massage therapist. One of those is regarding massage policies. I can assure you it is one of the most talked about items in my professional facebook groups. What is Required In Texas, massage …

East Plano Massage

I went searching the other day for east Plano massage for myself. I learned a few things. Keep reading to find out what I discovered. Side Note As a side note, as a massage therapist, it is often challenging to find a good massage place. First off, a lot of therapists want to talk shop. When I get a massage, …

Sensitive To Scents

I don’t know about you, but I am very sensitive to scents. Sometimes, I can even taste strong scents, like strong perfumes. You may be wondering what this has to do with massage. Keep reading to find out more. Essential Oils What are my thoughts about scents in the massage room? You may not have even given it a second …