Why do I have to fill out forms? Some places do not require any intake forms. You go in, get your massage, and leave. The places that don’t require intake forms probably don’t have therapists taking notes on your session either. I do both and it is by design. (Also, I should add, TDLR regulates massage in Texas. TDLR requires …
Struggling With Self Care?
Many of my clients suffer from depression and other issues. These issues make self care necessary and important. The problem is that self-care often requires energy that folks don’t have. In my own life, trying to help a loved one, I came across a pretty great book. I wanted to tell you a little about it in case it will …
Trouble Sleeping?
If you have trouble sleeping, here is an idea that has worked for me. Disclaimer I have to give a disclaimer, of course. I am a licensed massage therapist so it is out of scope for me to give medical advice, so I’m not giving medical advice. I’m just telling you something that has worked for me. My Story I …
Cold Feet
Today, I wanted to talk about a common problem. Cold feet. Are you someone whose feet are always cold? Do you sleep with socks on? Does it feel like your feet will never get warm? Lots of my clients have cold feet, even in summer. Warming up my massage table helps them some. Also, ensuring the feet are always under …
Tipping and Massage
You may be wondering about tipping and massage. Keep reading to find out about my no tipping policy. I Have Had Some Explaining To Do It has been lovely to meet some new clients recently. Most have found me on social media. So great when I get new clients this way because then I know my marketing is working. And …