People ask why I mostly practice women only massage at my practice in Plano, Texas. Keep reading to find out why. Women Only Massage I have built almost my entire practice with women. Of course, I am a female massage therapist, myself. My choice to work almost exclusively with women is a very conscious choice. As you can imagine, safety …
Shakti Mat
Here’s a story maybe some of you can relate to…. Disclaimer But before I get started, please note this is just my personal experience. I am not prescribing or diagnosing. Just telling you something that is really helping me in case it would be helpful for you. Please be sure to read the warnings on the website first, as always. …
Face Up Or Face Down?
The Usual Experience For almost every massage I’ve had in my life, I’ve started face down. I didn’t have much of an opinion about it for a while, but then I went to massage school. KeKino Massage Academy is where I received my training. They taught us to start with clients face up. Their reasons/theory for doing so are outlined …
Strange Massage
I am deviating this week and writing about a strange massage I had recently…. You know how the cobbler’s children have no shoes? Yeah, that is me. I work hard at massage and don’t make time for it myself. Don’t Wait Until Last Minute Anyway, my neck was hurting and I had a ton of stress. I know better than …