I Love My Massage Work

I love my massage work. Truly love it. Read to find out what happened at work recently. Why do I love my massage work? I was working on one of my lovely regular clients yesterday when I looked down at my little cup of lotion. Look what I saw! I had inadvertently made a heart in the lotion. I smiled …

Hairy Legs And Massage

Want to know what I think about hairy legs and massage? Just wanted to take a minute and talk about something nobody talks about. And I’m not speaking for all massage therapists. Just me. I am a licensed massage therapist in the Richardson/Plano area, north of Dallas, Texas. Things I Don’t Care About I don’t care if you shave your …

Chronic Pain

If you have chronic pain, you might like to listen to a podcast I found recently…. Do You Love Podcasts? Are you a podcast fan? I sure am. In fact, I even created and produced twenty some podcast episodes a few years back; it was a blog for professional photographers. Super fun, by the way.  One thing I love about …

60 or 90 Minutes For Massage?

Are you a new client at a massage place? Ever wonder what length of massage is best to start with? Should you start with 60 or 90 minutes for massage? I offer 3 options at Richardson Massage Therapy: 60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes. Keeping it simple seems to work best. Most new clients start at 60 minutes so …

Where To Put Arms?

Since this topic has come up a few times, I thought I’d address it here. It’s a burning question, I know.  🙂  Arms are a little awkward, though, and it’s worth offering a little guidance. You’re lying on the massage table, waiting for the massage therapist to come in. And you’re wondering…. Should I tuck my arms in under the …